Contemporary dilemmas Education, Politics and Values Impact Factor, Indexing, Ranking

Contemporary dilemmas Education, Politics and Values Impact Factor, Indexing, Ranking

Contemporary dilemmas Education, Politics and Values (CdEPV) is a scholarly journal dedicated to publishing research in the field of Social Sciences. Asesorias y tutorias para la investigacion cientifica en la Educacion Puig Salabarria S C is the publisher of this esteemed journal. and its abbreviated form is Contemp dilemas educ politica valores.

Aim and Scope

The aim of the journal "Contemporary dilemmas: Education, Politics and Values" is to publish high-quality research articles that address the challenges and dilemmas facing education, politics, and values in the 21st century. The journal is interested in articles that explore the following topics:

  • The impact of globalization and technological change on education
  • The relationship between education and social justice
  • The role of education in promoting democracy and civic engagement
  • The challenges of teaching values in a pluralistic society
  • The relationship between education and politics
  • The ethical dimensions of education policy

The journal is open to submissions from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, including education, sociology, political science, philosophy, and history. The journal also welcomes submissions from practitioners, such as teachers, policy makers, and community leaders.

Journal Details

Journal title Contemporary dilemmas Education, Politics and Values (CdEPV)
Abbreviation Contemp dilemas educ politica valores
Online ISSN 2007-7890
Publisher Name Asesorias y tutorias para la investigacion cientifica en la Educacion Puig Salabarria S C
Editor-in-chief Dr. José Sergio Puig Espinosa
Subject Category Social Sciences


Abbreviation : ISO Journal abbreviation refers to the shortened form or acronym used to represent the full title of a scholarly journal. The ISO4 Abbreviation of Contemporary dilemmas Education, Politics and Values Journal is Contemp dilemas educ politica valores.

Impact Factor

At present, the Contemporary dilemmas Education, Politics and Values's Impact Factor is unavailable as the journal is not yet indexed in the Web of Science (WOS). Rest assured, as soon as the impact factor becomes available, we will promptly update this information. Please stay tuned for updates regarding this matter.

List of All Journal Impact Factors

Journal's Indexing

The Journal is indexed in (Indexing details)

PubMed Scopus Web of Science UGC Embase DOAJ

Indexing services aim to make it easier for researchers, scholars, and readers to discover and access articles from various journals within a specific field or discipline.

Journal's Metrics for 2024

Abbreviation Contemp dilemas educ politica valores
Access type Open Access

Editorial Board

The Editor-in-chief of the Journal is Dr. José Sergio Puig Espinosa

Call for paper

Call for paper : The Journal invites original research contributions for consideration of publication in Contemporary dilemmas Education, Politics and Values journal.

Journal seeking submissions in the broad areas of Social Sciences that align with journal's focus on Social Sciences.

for details about call for paper please visit to the official website of the journal to check the details about call for papers.

How to publish in Contemporary dilemmas Education, Politics and Values

Publishing in Contemporary dilemmas Education, Politics and Values involves the following steps:

  • Research: Conduct high-quality, impactful research in the field of Social Sciences.
  • Familiarize Yourself: Read and understand the aims and scope of Contemporary dilemmas Education, Politics and Values to ensure your work aligns with their focus.
  • Manuscript Preparation: Prepare your manuscript according to the Contemporary dilemmas Education, Politics and Values guidelines, including formatting, length, and referencing style.
  • Submission: Submit your manuscript through the journal's online submission system.

Contemporary dilemmas Education, Politics and Values FAQ

is journal indexed in PubMed?

No, the journal is not indexed in PubMed.

is journal indexed in Scopus?

No, the journal is not indexed in Scopus.

is journal indexed in UGC?

No, the journal is not indexed in UGC.

is journal indexed in Index Copernicus?

No, the journal is not indexed in Index copernicus.

is a predatory journal?

No, journal is not a predatory journal.

What is the Imptact Factor of Contemporary dilemmas Education, Politics and Values?

The Journal is not indexed in WOS, so the journal doesn't have a Impact Factor.

is journal peer reviewed?

Yes the journal is a peer-reviewed journal.

is Contemporary dilemmas Education, Politics and Values a good journal?

Yes the journal is a peer-reviewed journal and good to publish your paper.

What is Contemporary dilemmas Education, Politics and Values?

Contemporary dilemmas Education, Politics and Values (CdEPV) is a scholarly journal dedicated to publishing research in the field of Social Sciences. Asesorias y tutorias para la investigacion cientifica en la Educacion Puig Salabarria S C is the publisher of this esteemed journal.

is Contemporary dilemmas Education, Politics and Values open access?

Yes, Contemporary dilemmas Education, Politics and Values is a open access journal.

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