Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 是一本致力于发表该领域研究成果的学术期刊 Engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers 是这本受人尊敬的期刊的出版商。. P-ISSN 分配给 Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 是 0742-597X 它的缩写形式是 J Manag Eng.
The Journal of Management in Engineering offers an avenue for researchers and practitioners to present contemporary issues associated with management and leadership for the civil engineer. The journal publishes peer-reviewed papers, case studies, technical notes, and discussions of interest to the practice of civil engineering.
Management and leadership issues include contract management, project management, partnering, office management, professional practice and development, financial management, human resources management, marketing and sales, ethics, technology and innovation management, information management, continuing education, organizational theory, strategic planning, conflict management, negotiating, risk management, globalization, networking, change management, teamwork, team building, communication, mentoring, coaching, and diversity. Papers discussing legislative and regulatory issues, corporate and public policy, and the role of civil engineering in the political process at all levels of government are welcomed. Interdisciplinary studies and collaborations are encouraged. Theoretical papers submitted for publication should preferably include real-world applications of the techniques.
期刊名称 | Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE |
缩写 | J Manag Eng |
打印 ISSN | 0742-597X |
在线的 ISSN | 1943-5479 |
主编 | Young Hoon Kwak |
科目 | Engineering |
Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 缩写 : 期刊缩写是指用于表示学术期刊完整标题的缩写形式或首字母缩略词。 它是一种常用的速记方式,有助于在学术出版物、参考书目和数据库中引用、索引和引用期刊。
的缩写 Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 是 J Manag Eng
Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 排行 : 期刊排名是指对学术期刊进行评估和分类的过程 (Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE) 基于各种标准,例如影响因子、引用指标、专家评估和其他指标。 排名系统旨在提供期刊在特定领域或学科内的质量、影响力和声望的指示。
的排名 Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 是 1816 (2024)
Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 影响因子 : 影响因子是用来评估学术期刊在各自领域内的影响力和重要性的指标。 它通常每年计算一次,衡量特定时期内期刊上发表的文章收到的平均引用次数。
影响因子 Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 是 7.4 (2024)
Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE SCImago : SCImago 期刊排名 (SJR) 是由 SCImago Lab 开发的指标和数据库,提供有关学术期刊的科学影响力和声望的信息。 SCImago 是一个位于西班牙的独立研究小组,专注于科学期刊的文献计量分析和排名。
的SCImagoJournal of Management in Engineering ASCE 是 1.645
Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE H指数 : 期刊 H 指数是根据学术期刊的出版物以及这些出版物获得的引用次数来衡量学术期刊的影响力和影响力的指标。 它源自作者 h 指数的概念,该指数根据单个研究人员被引用次数最多的论文来评估其影响力。
H 指数 Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 是 87
Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 索引 : 期刊索引是指将期刊纳入对学术出版物进行分类和组织的可搜索数据库或索引的过程。 索引服务旨在使研究人员、学者和读者更轻松地发现和访问特定领域或学科内各种期刊的文章。
这 Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 这 索引于
Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 编委会 : 期刊的编辑委员会由一群在出版过程中发挥着至关重要作用的专家和学者组成。 他们通常由期刊主编或编辑团队根据他们在该领域的专业知识和声誉来选择。
的主编 Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 是 Young Hoon Kwak
Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 提交费 : 文章提交费,也称为稿件提交费或处理费,是一些期刊向提交研究论文以供考虑出版的作者收取的费用。 这些费用与可能与接受的稿件相关的任何出版费或文章处理费 (APC) 是分开的。
提交费 Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 是 $2,500
Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 征集纸张 : Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 邀请原创研究贡献考虑在 Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 杂志。 广泛领域的期刊检索投稿 Engineering 与该期刊的重点相一致 Engineering.
Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 作者指南 : 是出版物或期刊向想要提交作品的作者发出的指示和要求。 这些指南详细说明了作者在准备稿件时必须遵循的格式、风格和内容规则。 它们涵盖文件格式、引文风格、字数限制、章节标题、参考指南以及图形和表格的格式等方面。 为了 Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 作者指南请访问期刊网站。
出版于 Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 涉及以下步骤:
不, 根据我们最新的记录, Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 是 不是 列出 在 考研.
是的, 根据我们的记录 Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 是 索引 在 斯科普斯.
是的, 根据我们的记录 Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 是 索引 在 教资会.
不, 根据我们最新的记录, Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 是 不是 索引 在 哥白尼索引.
不, Journal of Management in Engineering ASCE 是 不是 掠夺性的 .