NMC Approved Environmental Science Journals List: 2024

NMC Approved Environmental Science Journals List: 2024 : As per the new regulations (February 2022) of the National Medical Commision (NMC), India, only original papers, meta-analysis, systematic reviews, and case series that are published in journals included in Medline, PubMed Central, Embase, Scopus, Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded and Directory of Open access journals (DOAJ) will be considered for promotion of medical faculty.

Environmental Science Journals List 2024 ISSN
Environmental Research 1096-0953
Global Sustainability 2059-4798
Ecological Applications 1939-5582
Environmental DNA 2637-4943
Smart Energy 2666-9552
Waste Management 1879-2456
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 1943-5606
Organization and Environment 1552-7417
Life Science Alliance 2575-1077
npj Clean Water 2059-7037
Fish and Fisheries 1467-2979
Economic Policy 1468-0327
Green Chemistry 1463-9270
Journal of Applied Ecology 1365-2664
Resources Conservation and Recycling Advances 2667-3789
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 1944-9224
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Water 2049-1948
Environment and Behavior 1552-390X
Journal of Cleaner Production 1879-1786
Water Research X 2589-9147
Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture 2330-8257
Journal of Ecology 1365-2745
Earths Future 2328-4277
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 1096-0449
One Earth 2590-3322
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2041-210X
Oxford Review of Economic Policy 1460-2121
Energy Policy 0301-4215
International Journal of Project Management 0263-7863
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 2397-3722
Environmental Science and Technology Letters 2328-8930
Climate Policy 1752-7457
Global Ecology and Biogeography 1466-8238
Communications Earth and Environment 2662-4435
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 2333-5963
Conservation Letters 1755-263X
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 1750-6824
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 1547-6537
Applied Energy 0306-2619
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1540-9309
Environment international 1873-6750
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 1942-2466
Water Research 1879-2448
Global Change Biology 1365-2486
Energy and Environmental Science 1754-5706
Nature Ecology and Evolution 2397-334X
Journal of Fishery Sciences of China 1005-8737
Journal of Fisheries of China 1000-0615
Arid Land Geography 1000-6060
Zhongguo Huanjing Kexue China Environmental Science 1000-6923
Changjiang Liuyu Ziyuan Yu Huanjing Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Valley 1004-8227
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage 1672-3317
Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering 2305-7068
Chinese Journal of Eco Agriculture 2096-6237
Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions 1674-3822
Waste Disposal and Sustainable Energy 2524-7891
Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment 1672-6561
Arid Zone Research 1001-4675
Biodiversity Science 1005-0094
Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology 1005-264X
Shuili Fadian Xuebao Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering 1003-1243
Shuili Xuebao Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 0559-9350
Journal of Hohai University 1000-1980
Journal of Resources and Ecology 1674-764X
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 2523-3521
Asian Journal of Conservation Biology 2278-7666
Hupo Kexue Journal of Lake Sciences 1003-5427
Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 2395-3454
Acta Ecologica Sinica 1872-2032
Plant Science Today 2348-1900
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science 2468-0133
Ecology, Economy and Society 2581-6101
Aquaculture and Fisheries 2468-550X
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 1004-9541
Journal of Arid Land 2194-7783
Zoological research 2095-8137
Journal of Threatened Taxa 0974-7907
Soil Ecology Letters 2662-2297
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B Biological Sciences 2250-1746
Horticultural Plant Journal 2468-0141
Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering 2095-221X
Advances in Climate Change Research 2524-1761
Science China Life Sciences 1869-1889
Water Cycle 2666-4453
Tropical Ecology 2661-8982
Conservation and Society 0975-3133

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