Arts and Humanities Peer Reviewed Journals List 2024

What is Peer Review Process

Peer review is the process of having a group of experts in a particular field evaluate the work of a researcher before it is published in a journal or other publication. This process is designed to ensure that the work is original, valid, and significant.

What are Peer Reviewed Journals

Peer-reviewed journals are scholarly publications that subject submitted articles to a rigorous evaluation process conducted by experts in the relevant field. This process, known as peer review, ensures that only high-quality, original, and well-researched articles are published, upholding the credibility and integrity of the journal and the broader academic community.

Arts and Humanities Peer Reviewed Journals

Journals title ISSN
A + U-Architecture and Urbanism 0389-9160
Computers in Human Behavior 1873-7692
Oeconomia Copernicana 2353-1827
Radiocarbon 1945-5755
Emotion Review 1754-0747
Applied Psychology 1464-0597
Psychological Methods 1939-1463
Human Relations 1741-282X
Journal of Peasant Studies 1743-9361
Journal of Marriage and Family 1741-3737
Economy and Society 1469-5766
Gender and Society 1552-3977
Social Science and Medicine 1873-5347
Psychological Review 1939-1471
Behavior Research Methods 1554-3528
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1749-6632
Social Forces 1534-7605
Public Opinion Quarterly 1537-5331
Criminology and Public Policy 1745-9133
Political Psychology 1467-9221
Business Ethics Quarterly 2153-3326
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations 1461-7188
Science Education 1098-237X
Health Education and Behavior 1552-6127
Qualitative Research 1468-7941
Quaternary Science Reviews 1873-457X
Feminist Economics 1466-4372
International Migration Review 1747-7379
Multivariate Behavioral Research 1532-7906
Journal of Archaeological Research 1573-7756
Sociology of Religion 1069-4404
Journalism 1741-3001
Psychological Bulletin 1939-1455
Journal of Economic History 1471-6372
Explorations in Economic History 1090-2457
Television and New Media 1552-8316
Administrative Science Quarterly 1930-3815
Journal of Consumer Research 1537-5277
Journal of South Asian Development 0973-1733
Journal of Human Values 0973-0737
South Asia Research 1741-3141
3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature 2550-2247
AAPP Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali 1825-1242
Ab Imperio 2164-9731
Aboriginal history 1837-9389
452?F 2013-3294
AAA - Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 0171-5410
Abriu 2014-8534
Nous 1468-0068

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