Economics Econometrics and Finance Journals List by Impact Factor: 2024

Economics Econometrics and Finance Journals List by Impact Factor - Here's a compilation of leading journals in the Economics Econometrics and Finance field that you can consistently consult and reference for your thesis and research papers. You can also consider submitting your research papers to these journals to demonstrate the quality and credibility of your work.

Economics Econometrics and Finance Journals List 2024 ISSN Impact Factor
Econometrics Journal 1368-423X 3.8
Marketing Letters 1573-059X 3.6
Real Estate Economics 1540-6229 2.2
Journal of Financial Econometrics 1479-8409 3.5
European Review of Agricultural Economics 1464-3618 4.0
Financial Management 1755-053X 2.8
Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal 0951-3574 5.7
International Review of Financial Analysis 1057-5219 8.2
Annual Review of Financial Economics 1941-1375 3.2
Family Business Review 1741-6248 8.8
Journal of International Marketing 1547-7215 5.8
Fiscal Studies 1475-5890 7.3
Business Ethics Quarterly 2153-3326 4.5
Journal of Family Business Strategy 1877-8585 7.2
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 1467-8276 4.2
International Economic Review 1468-2354 1.5
Theoretical Economics 1933-6837 1.7
Review of Economic Dynamics 1096-6099 2
Annual Review of Resource Economics 1941-1359 5.8
Journal of Economic Surveys 1467-6419 5.3
Journal of Economic History 1471-6372 2.8
Journal of Economic Theory 1095-7235 1.6
Contemporary Accounting Research 1911-3846 3.6
Explorations in Economic History 1090-2457 2.3
International Business Review 1873-6149 8.7
RAND Journal of Economics 1756-2171 2.3
Journal of Economic Growth 1573-7020 2.3
Journal of World Business 1878-5573 8.9
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 1547-7207 7.8
Quantitative Economics 1759-7331 1.8
Journal of Human Resources 1548-8004 5.2
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 1756-6916 5.6
IMF Economic Review 2041-417X 4.3
Journal of Supply Chain Management 1745-493X 10.6
Journal of Accounting Research 1475-679X 4.4
Review of Finance 1573-692X 5.5
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 1540-6520 10.5
Economic Journal 1468-0297 3.2
Accounting Review 1558-7967 5.182
Review of Asset Pricing Studies 2045-9939 13.1
Journal of Labor Economics 1537-5307 4.179
Review of Financial Studies 1465-7368 9.7
Econometrica 1468-0262 6.1
The Review of Economic Studies 1467-937X 7.1
Journal of Financial Intermediation 1096-0473 5.2
Review of Corporate Finance Studies 2046-9136 11.3
Journal of the European Economic Association 1542-4766 3.6
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 1552-7824 18.2
Journal of Management 1557-1211 13.5
Journal of Marketing Research 1547-7193 6.1
Marketing Science 1526-548X 5.0
Journal of Economic Perspectives 1944-7965 9.944
Annual Review of Economics 1941-1391 5.6
Journal of Marketing 1547-7185 14.3
Journal of Emerging Market Finance 0973-0710 1.1
China Journal of Accounting Research 2214-1421 3.6
Foreign Trade Review 0971-7633 1.3
Journal of Entrepreneurship 0973-0745 3.1
Journal of Finance 1540-6261 7.870
Journal of Political Economy 1537-534X 9.103
American Economic Review 1944-7981 11.49
Quarterly Journal of Economics 1531-4650 19.013

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