Computer Science Peer Reviewed Journals List 2024

What is Peer Review Process

Peer review is the process of having a group of experts in a particular field evaluate the work of a researcher before it is published in a journal or other publication. This process is designed to ensure that the work is original, valid, and significant.

What are Peer Reviewed Journals

Peer-reviewed journals are scholarly publications that subject submitted articles to a rigorous evaluation process conducted by experts in the relevant field. This process, known as peer review, ensures that only high-quality, original, and well-researched articles are published, upholding the credibility and integrity of the journal and the broader academic community.

Computer Science Peer Reviewed Journals

Journals title ISSN
Computers in Human Behavior 1873-7692
Scientific data 2052-4463
Radiology Artificial Intelligence 2638-6100
PRX Quantum 2691-3399
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 1949-3061
Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 1467-8667
Annual Reviews in Control 1367-5788
IEEE Network 1558-156X
GigaScience 2047-217X
International Journal of Robotics Research 1741-3176
Big Data and Society 2053-9517
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 1556-6048
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 1558-2191
Advanced Engineering Informatics 1873-5320
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Systems 2168-2232
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 1095-8592
Internet and Higher Education 1096-7516
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 2332-7731
Information Processing and Management 1873-5371
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 1558-0016
Telematics and Informatics 1879-324X
Expert Systems with Applications 1873-6793
Blockchain Research and Applications 2666-9536
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 1096-1216
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 1741-038X
Journal of Cheminformatics 1758-2946
International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering 2666-3074
Transportation Research Part C Emerging Technologies 0968-090X
Journal of Field Robotics 1556-4967
European Journal of Information Systems 1476-9344
Developments in the Built Environment 2666-1659
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 2379-8858
Journal of Big Data 2196-1115
Information Sciences 1872-6291
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 1939-1374
Pattern Recognition 0031-3203
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 1873-6769
Digital Communications and Networks 2352-8648
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 2644-125X
Soft Robotics 2169-5180
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 1558-0660
Computers and Industrial Engineering 0360-8352
Production Planning and Control 1366-5871
Neural Networks 1879-2782
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 1941-0468
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 1942-4795
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 1557-9948
Journal of Management Information Systems 1557-928X
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2168-2208
International Journal of Intelligent Networks 2666-6030
Computer Assisted Language Learning 1744-3210
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 1939-3520
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 1941-0018
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 1941-0077
ISA Transactions 1879-2022
Computational Visual Media 2096-0662
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 1558-2523
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 1939-9359
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 1556-6013
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 2327-4697
Information Systems Journal 1365-2575
IEEE ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 1941-014X
IEEE Intelligent Systems 1941-1294
mSystems 2379-5077
Information and Organization 1471-7727
ACM Transactions on Graphics 1557-7368
Bioinformatics 1367-4811
Journal of Statistical Software 1548-7660
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 1536-9323
Journal of Safety Science and Resilience 2096-7527
Science China Information Sciences 1869-1919
APL Photonics 2378-0967
ACM Transactions on Information Systems 1558-2868
Computers and Security 1872-6208
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 1549-9626
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 1941-0476
Computers and Geotechnics 1873-7633
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 1558-2183
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 1932-4537
Social Media and Society 2056-3051
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2377-3766
Mechanism and Machine Theory 1873-3999
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology 2157-6912
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 1365-2729
Information Systems Research 1526-5536
China Communications 1673-5447
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking 2473-2400
Journal of Educational Computing Research 1541-4140
Network Neuroscience 2472-1751
Data Science and Management 2666-7649
NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics 2631-9268
Database the journal of biological databases and curation 1758-0463
Computers and Operations Research 1873-765X
Advanced Quantum Technologies 2511-9044
International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 1556-1615
Journal of Memory and Language 1096-0821
PLoS Computational Biology 1553-7358
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 2325-5870
VLDB Journal 0949-877X
Social Science Computer Review 1552-8286
Frontiers of Computer Science 2095-2236
Journal of Communications and Information Networks 2509-3312
Cell Reports Methods 2667-2375
IEEE ACM Transactions on Networking 1558-2566
Journal of Finance and Data Science 2405-9188
International Journal of Automation and Computing 1476-8186
Virtual Reality and Intelligent Hardware 2666-1209
Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering 2095-9230
SIAM Journal on Optimization 1095-7189
Foundations of Computational Mathematics 1615-3383
Nature Biomedical Engineering 2157-846X
Science Robotics 2470-9476
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 939-3539
International Journal of Information Management 0268-4012
Proceedings of the IEEE 1558-2256
Operations Research 1526-5463
Zidonghua Xuebao Acta Automatica Sinica 1874-1029
Journal of the ACM 1557-735X
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 2150-8097
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 1557-9654
Quantitative Biology 2095-4697
Journal of Electronic Science and Technology 2666-223X
Foundations and Trends in Databases 1931-7891
ACM Computing Surveys 1557-7341
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 1558-0008
npj Digital Medicine 2398-6352
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 1558-0792
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 1941-0026
Big Data Mining and Analytics 2096-0654
Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems 2573-5144
IEEE Wireless Communications 1558-0687
Engineering 2095-8099
Molecular Systems Biology 1744-4292
Journal of Service Research 1552-7379
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 1941-0050
npj Computational Materials 2057-3960
Computers and Education 0360-1315
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 1941-0034
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 2168-2275
IEEE CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 2329-9274
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Computational Molecular Science 1759-0884
Nature Computational Science 2662-8457
IEEE Communications Magazine 1558-1896
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 1949-3045
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2307-387X
Information Processing in Agriculture 2214-3173
Journal of Supply Chain Management 1745-493X
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2327-4662
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 1558-254X
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 1941-0042
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2162-2388
Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval 1554-0677
Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 0736-5845
Virtual and Physical Prototyping 1745-2767
Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies 2578-1863
Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture 2589-7217
ACM Transactions on Database Systems 1557-4644
International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences 2455-7749
SIAM Journal on Computing 1095-7111
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B 1096-0902
Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 1681-4835
Defence Science Journal 0976-464X

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