Social Sciences Peer Reviewed Journals List 2024

What is Peer Review Process

Peer review is the process of having a group of experts in a particular field evaluate the work of a researcher before it is published in a journal or other publication. This process is designed to ensure that the work is original, valid, and significant.

What are Peer Reviewed Journals

Peer-reviewed journals are scholarly publications that subject submitted articles to a rigorous evaluation process conducted by experts in the relevant field. This process, known as peer review, ensures that only high-quality, original, and well-researched articles are published, upholding the credibility and integrity of the journal and the broader academic community.

Social Sciences Peer Reviewed Journals

Journals title ISSN
Research Synthesis Methods 1759-2887
Scientific data 2052-4463
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 1535-3966
Geography and Sustainability 2666-6839
Social Issues and Policy Review 1751-2409
Policy and Society 1449-4035
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Climate Change 1757-7799
Big Data and Society 2053-9517
American Sociological Review 1939-8271
Economic Geography 0013-0095
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 1747-7646
Science Communication 1552-8545
Global Environmental Change 1872-9495
Global Food Security 2211-9124
Internet and Higher Education 1096-7516
Information Processing and Management 1873-5371
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 0960-0035
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 2590-1982
American Political Science Review 0003-0554
Long Range Planning 1873-1872
Oeconomia Copernicana 2353-1827
Telematics and Informatics 1879-324X
Sustainability Science Practice and Policy 1548-7733
Critical Studies in Education 1750-8495
World Bank Research Observer 1564-6971
Journal of Cheminformatics 1758-2946
Public Administration Review 1540-6210
Transportation Research Part C Emerging Technologies 0968-090X
Tourism Geographies 1470-1340
Educational Researcher 1935-102X
European Journal of Information Systems 1476-9344
Progress in Human Geography 1477-0288
Review of International Political Economy 1466-4526
Review of Economics and Statistics 1530-9142
Digital Communications and Networks 2352-8648
Journal of Communication 1460-2466
Biology of Sex Differences 2042-6410
Internet Research 1066-2243
International Organization 1531-5088
Government Information Quarterly 0740-624X
Business and Society 1552-4205
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1939-1315
Political Communication 1091-7675
Current Issues in Tourism 1747-7603
Transportation Research Part D Transport and Environment 1361-9209
Leadership Quarterly 1873-3409
Trauma Violence and Abuse 1552-8324
Computer Assisted Language Learning 1744-3210
Building and Environment 1873-684X
Academic Medicine 1938-808X
Journal of Computer Mediated Communication 1083-6101
Structural Equation Modeling 1532-8007
Tourism Review 1759-8451
Land Use Policy 1873-5754
Medical Education 1365-2923
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 2332-7782
World Development 0305-750X
Annual Review of Criminology 2572-4568
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 1573-2827
New Media and Society 1461-7315
Distance Education 1475-0198
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 1464-5114
Journal of Intellectual Capital 1469-1930
Journal of Organizational Behavior 1099-1379
Transportation Research Part B Methodological 0191-2615
Transport Policy 1879-310X
Computers Environment and Urban Systems 1873-7587
Energy Research and Social Science 2214-6296
Vehicular Communications 2214-210X
Cities 1873-6084
Human Relations 1741-282X
Developmental Review 1090-2406
British Journal of Educational Technology 1467-8535
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 1367-0050
International Journal of Advertising 1759-3948
Food Policy 0306-9192
Child Development Perspectives 1750-8606
Digital Journalism 2167-082X
Progress in Planning 1873-4510
Transportation Research Part A Policy and Practice 0965-8564
Journal of Urban Economics 1095-9068
Information and Organization 1471-7727
Learning and Instruction 0959-4752
Communication Research 1552-3810
Journals of Gerontology Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 1758-5368
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 1477-9803
Journal of the American Planning Association 0194-4363
Journal of Second Language Writing 1060-3743
Journal of Transport Geography 0966-6923
Journal of Marriage and Family 1741-3737
Journal of Peasant Studies 1743-9361
Environmental Politics 0964-4016
Information Communication and Society 1369-118X
System 0346-251X
Strategic Organization 1741-315X
European Societies 1469-8307
Sociological Methods and Research 1552-8294
Accident Analysis and Prevention 1879-2057
Journal of Industrial Ecology 1530-9290
Gender Work and Organization 1468-0432
Public Management Review 1471-9037
Criminology 1745-9125
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 2040-5804
Policy Design and Practice 2574-1292
New Technology Work and Employment 1468-005X
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 1931-2393
Journal of Safety Science and Resilience 2096-7527
Tobacco Control 1468-3318
Journal of Advertising 1557-7805
Economy and Society 1469-5766
Applied Linguistics 1477-450X
Active Learning in Higher Education 1741-2625
Computers and Security 1872-6208
American Journal of Criminal Justice 1936-1351
Learning Media and Technology 1743-9892
Gender and Society 1552-3977
Journal of Criminal Justice 1873-6203
Political Analysis 1476-4989
Studies in Second Language Acquisition 0272-2631
Social Science and Medicine 1873-5347
The International Journal of Qualitative Methods 1609-4069
European Journal of Political Research 1475-6765
Democratization 1743-890X
Social Media and Society 2056-3051
Journal of Black Psychology 1552-4558
World Politics 1086-3338
Environment and Planning D Society and Space 1472-3433
European Journal of Teacher Education 1469-5928
Regional Studies 1360-0591
Journal of Aging and Social Policy 1545-0821
Comparative Political Studies 1552-3829
Antipode 1467-8330
Journal of Economic Geography 1468-2710
Human Communication Research 1468-2958
British Journal of Political Science 1469-2112
Journal of School Psychology 1873-3506
International Security 1531-4804
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 1365-2729
Qualitative Research in Sport Exercise and Health 2159-6778
Information Systems Research 1526-5536
Journal of Educational Psychology 1939-2176
Modern Language Journal 1540-4781
Urban Studies 1360-063X
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 1573-6601
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 1537-2707
Survey Research Methods 1864-3361
Social Forces 1534-7605
International Journal of Press Politics 1940-1620
Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 1469-297X
Academy of Management Learning and Education 1944-9585
Child Abuse and Neglect 1873-7757
Global Environmental Politics 1536-0091
Journal of Educational Computing Research 1541-4140
Environment and Urbanization 1746-0301
Studies in Science Education 1940-8412
Accounting Organizations and Society 0361-3682
Public Opinion Quarterly 1537-5331
Journal of European Public Policy 1466-4429
SSM Population Health 2352-8273
Crime Science 2193-7680
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 2469-4460
TESOL Quarterly 1545-7249
Sociological Theory 1467-9558
Political Psychology 1467-9221
Journal of Peace Research 0022-3433
Transportation Science 1526-5447
Child Development 1467-8624
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 1098-2736
Criminology and Public Policy 1745-9133
Regional Sustainability 2666-660X
Sociological Methodology 1467-9531
Work Employment and Society 1469-8722
Studies in Higher Education 1470-174X
Journal of Planning Literature 1552-6593
American Journal of Sociology 1537-5390
Socio Economic Review 1475-1461
Language Learning 1467-9922
Cognition and Instruction 1532-690X
Urban Geography 1938-2847
Language Testing 0265-5322
New Political Economy 1469-9923
Research and Politics 2053-1680
International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 1556-1615
Science Education 1098-237X
Journal of Memory and Language 1096-0821
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations 1461-7188
American Journal of Political Science 1540-5907
Reading Research Quarterly 1936-2722
Environment and Planning A 1472-3409
Social Science Computer Review 1552-8286
Qualitative Research 1468-7941
West European Politics 1743-9655
Justice Quarterly 1745-9109
Quaternary Science Reviews 1873-457X
Developmental Psychology 1939-0599
MMWR Recommendations and Reports 1545-8601
Nature Climate Change 1758-6798
International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks 2577-445X
Political Behavior 1573-6687
Journal of Teacher Education 1552-7816

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