Business Management and Accounting Journals List by Impact Factor: 2024

Business Management and Accounting Journals List by Impact Factor - Here's a compilation of leading journals in the Business Management and Accounting field that you can consistently consult and reference for your thesis and research papers. You can also consider submitting your research papers to these journals to demonstrate the quality and credibility of your work.

Business Management and Accounting Journals List 2024 ISSN Impact Factor
Journal of Small Business Management 1540-627X 6.8
International Journal of Human Resource Management 1466-4399 6.2
Journal of Services Marketing 0887-6045 5.8
European Management Journal 1873-5681 7.5
European Journal of Marketing 0309-0566 5.035
Journal of Marketing Management 1472-1376 5.1
Human Resource Development Review 1552-6712 6.4
Marketing Theory 1741-301X 4.23
Journal of International Business Policy 2522-0705 7.9
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 1839-5260 8.3
Tourism Management Perspectives 2211-9744 8.7
Journal of Management Inquiry 1552-6542 3.1
Journal of Destination Marketing and Management 2212-5752 8.4
Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing 1540-7306 7.2
Organization 1461-7323 3.6
Service Industries Journal 1743-9507 7.2
Human Resource Management Journal 1748-8583 5.5
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 1478-4092 6.1
Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management 1936-8631 12.5
British Journal of Management 1467-8551 5.6
Industrial Marketing Management 1873-2062 10.3
Journal of Knowledge Management 1367-3270 8.8
International Small Business Journal 0266-2426 7.6
Journal of Business Research 1873-7978 11.3
Business Horizons 0007-6813 7.4
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 0969-6989 10.4
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 2040-7122 7.8
ILR Review 2162-271X 2.8
Journal of Service Management 1757-5818 11.6
Supply Chain Management 1359-8546 10.9
International Journal of Hospitality Management 0278-4319 11.7
Global Strategy Journal 2042-5805 7.6
European Business Review 0955-534X 12.4
Journal of Retailing 0022-4359 10
Journal of Interactive Marketing 1520-6653 11.8
California Management Review 2162-8564 10.0
Review of Accounting Studies 1573-7136 4.2
Journal of Management Studies 1467-6486 10.5
Organization Studies 1741-3044 6.5
Strategic Management Journal 1097-0266 8.3
Academy of Management Perspectives 1943-4529 8.9
Journal of Business Venturing 1873-2003 8.7
Organization Science 1526-5455 4.1
Academy of Management Review 1930-3807 17.0
Academy of Management Journal 1948-0989 16.178
FIIB Business Review 2455-2658 2.6
Global Business Review 0973-0664 2.3
Academy of Management Annals 1941-6067 19.241

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